I went with my PhD advisor Charlotte Simmler, in the first thematic
school METABIODIVEX “Molecular Exploration of Biodiversity: new challenges, new strategies” (https://metabiodivex.sciencesconf.org/).
Organized by Paris-Saclay university and IRN i-npchem (International Research Network on Integrative Product Chemistry), this worskhop took place in the French Alps, in Aussois! What a beautiful Place!!
It was an intense week, though, composed of lectures and covering research topics in natural product chemistry from new developments in analytical chemistry, drug discovery strategies to genomic. A large part of the program was dedicated to workshops but also hands-on sessions on NMR structural elucidation (a super complex crazy molecule look at this one here), exploration of molecular networks, tools for in silico annotation and analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters s data sharing.
What a nice way, for a PhD student like me, to acquire knowledge and learn new things! Special thanks for all the speakers who shared their knowledge and enthusiasm for natural product chemistry during all the week.

I got the opportunity to present a poster compiling some of my results about the chemical characterization of Mediterranean sponge’s exo-metabolites (yay!!). It was a great surprise to win the best poster award, which boosted my motivation as a PhD student
We really enjoyed discussing with speakers and participants (around a pool table why not) and meet colleagues from all France (and maybe new friends and collaborators!! ).
Thanks a lot to the organizing committee: Marc Litaudon, Mehdi Beniddir, Sylvie Lautru, Erwan Poupon, Grégory Mouille and David Touboul, for their warm welcome and the excellence of scientific program.

AND…. I almost forgot:
We also enjoyed a field trip nearby the Vanoise National Parc to discover its colorful flora and beautiful landscapes and friendly cows!!
Morgane Mauduit